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2025 Officer Nominations / Elections

At the November SBIA meeting, we will be holding elections for the 2025 Shady Beach Improvement Association Board.  All requirements and responsibilities are defined in Articles IV and V of our By-Laws at By-Laws and Restrictions – Shady Beach Improvement Association.  If you are interested or would like to nominate someone for any position, please reply to this email or contact any officer or board member by the end of October.  There are many new SBIA members and we’d like to encourage new faces to the Executive Board as all seats are available for interested candidates with the exception of the 2 out of 3 Board Member seats.

PLEASE NOTE: One of these open Board seats is for a Corresponding Secretary.  We are in need of a capable person with skills to be able to run and operate the SBIA website and newsletter.  Over the past 8 ½ years Kathy Goss fulfilled this critical role and it is now time for someone new to step in that has this skill set and passion for media/communications

Ballots will be attached to the November Newsletter.  Thank you