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President’s Letter – July, 2024

I love Summer time in Shady Beach because our community is so active outside and attends so many of the lake events. As we are out walking, jogging, biking, etc. on our narrow streets, please keep speeds under 20 mph! We have had a lot of complaints about speeders so please also remind your guests to slow down. Also, while I’m giving out safety tip reminders, please be sure to lock the boat ramp immediately after using. Lastly, please be mindful when parking in the marina area to allow others a way to get their car/cart in and out, and minimize the number of vehicles per boat to one.

Don’t forget, our annual Upper Straits Kids Fishing Contest, sponsored by Upper Straits Clean Lake Association, is this Saturday, July 20th, 8am – 12pm. Registration and trophy ceremony is at the Bayside Beach.

I enjoyed seeing the Shady Beach kids bike parade, as it filled my soul to see the kids excitement and happiness in showing off their decorated bikes. Pictures here. Also our Music on the Lake party and Fireworks were spectacular, with new colors and sequences! Special shout out to Rick Cumbo for his leadership and putting on that great show!

Our 100 Year Celebration T-Shirt & Hat fundraiser was a huge success! We collectively purchased 108 T-Shirts and 36 hats…which generated a $2,160 donation back to SBIA. These funds will help defray the costs of the 100 Year Celebration. We are expecting the order to be received around August 1st, and will send an email out on how you can pick your order up. Lastly, I’d like to give a special shout out to my daughter, Elliana, who was highly involved in the planning, design and business aspects of this project!

On the day of our 100 year celebration we will be running a 50/50 raffle AND a silent auction at the beach pavilion. Thus far we have the 4 items for bid and we are seeking more item donations.  Click here to see auction items and event update.

If you would like to donate an item for the silent auction, please contact Dan Chester for item approval at 248-505-5300

We’ve added a Food Drive that Barbara Flynn is leading and will happen on Sunday August 4th. My request to this great community is that every SBIA member participates and gives at least one item. See food drive event information here.

Lastly, we still are looking for volunteers to help with the Food Drive and 100 Year Celebration. Click here to volunteer.

Our next General Membership meeting is on August 5th at the beach.

See you out there!


P.S.  Another reminder to take care of our community property. Last summer Krystal & Martin Malota generously donated six adirondack chairs to the beach for us all to use and enjoy. We have specifically asked not to move the chairs into the water at the beach.  Unfortunately, we have continuously found the chairs in the water.  One is now damaged. If you want to use a chair in the water, please bring your own chair.