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President’s Letter – November 2023

I hope you all are enjoying the beautiful Fall colors, crisp nights and bonus warm days.

While our Chili Cook Off earlier this month brought rain and cold outside, it was fun and spicy here on the inside with a lot of member families.  We had seven chili entries from: Rafael & Veronica Larrauri, Julie Pfeifle, Vicki Giron, John Cumbo, Bryan & Chelsea Chambers, Brad Filips (who submitted his entry by proxy), and myself.  Each of the chilis were very unique and tasty, and the vote count was very close across all seven contestants.  There was a two way tie for Runner Up – Rafael & Veronica and Bryan & Chelsea.  Somehow yours truly squeaked out First Place, and Rick assured me the vote count was double audited.  Thanks to Rick Cumbo, we also had some yummy mac & cheese and thanks to the other members who brought various side dishes. 

This month we also installed the marina security cameras and our new system is now up and running.  Please do note that every boat in the SBIA marina, our ramp, and our marina grounds has video coverage.  The system supplied and installed by SoundCheck, Inc. was uniquely designed for our application, can be expanded in the future if desired, and should last for quite some time.  I’d like to give some huge shout outs to the following members: Rafael Larrauri, Nick Swartz, Nip Sewell, Brad Filips, Chuck Broadwater, Eric Cohen, Rick & John Cumbo, Peggy Donavan, and Jill Segal.  These volunteers spent up to 6+ hours trenching, and installing the conduit and poles, which was massive cost savings.  We do have one task left to complete this project, which is to prime and paint the two poles.  To that end if you would like to volunteer for this, please reach out.

Our next General Membership meeting will be Nov. 13th at 7pm at Jill & Rusty Segal’s home: 3835 Lakeview.